사회적 원자
from 북라이프 2012/12/24 17:18
사용자 삽입 이미지

볼 때는 새로운 시각에,
깜짝 놀라며 읽었는데,
정리해두지 않으니깐,,, 기억이 안난다....
패턴, 되먹임 밖에 생각이 안나네,,,,
2012/12/24 17:18 2012/12/24 17:18
Maginot Line
from 깨나르한 생활 2012/12/03 14:50
generals always fight the last war, especially if they have won it
2012/12/03 14:50 2012/12/03 14:50
Tag //

"I don't understand it, to be honest with you.
I don't know why anybody can be bothered with that kind of stuff.
How do you find the time to do that?
There are a million things you can do in your life without that.
Get yourself down to the library and read a book.
Seriously. It is a waste of time.
It seems to have a certain momentum at the moment. Everyone seems to want to do it."

Sir Alex Ferguson
2012/11/12 10:00 2012/11/12 10:00